Even if the police aren't held accountable for contributing to Ryan's death, they should be held to account for a) medical negligence, and b) cruel and inhumane treatment.

This whole scenario is just horrific, and the injustice and what appears to be a complete lack of integrity on the part of law enforcement, council, and the judge that dismissed the lawsuit, are truly aggravating factors.

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A gunshot to the eye, but he’s not dead, they can’t see an entrance wound, no blood, no mention of pain … this is NOT a normal situation. A reasonable person would not do anything differently. The detective finally did realize the possibility (however small) and took action. Don’t blame the cop for the evil the shooter committed.

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REALLY?! You support denying a shooting victim medical treatment? Clearly you can't read. LE broke his jaw before illegally holding him in an interrogation room. Can you please elaborate, please?! #policestate #WebbNation

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Thanks for sharing this. The U.S. is a police state where you're guilty until proven innocent. Prisons are for-profit and they're privately owned subcontractors where inmates are exploited by working for <$1 per hour. The global cabal owns all of us, controlling each and every aspect of our daily lives. #WebbNation

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What a sad story

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